Mastering Moonbeam In D&D 5e: A Comprehensive Guide

In Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, Moonbeam is a 2nd-level evocation spell renowned for its radiant damage and utility against shapechangers. Primarily available to Druids, it offers both offensive and control capabilities on the battlefield.

Spell Overview

  • Level: 2nd-level Evocation
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 120 feet
  • Components: Verbal (V), Somatic (S), Material (M – several seeds of any moonseed plant and a piece of opalescent feldspar)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
  • Area of Effect: 5-foot radius, 40-foot-high cylinder
  • Available to: Druids, Paladins (Oath of the Ancients, Oath of the Watchers), Clerics (Twilight Domain)

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Mechanics and Effects

Upon casting, Moonbeam summons a silvery beam of pale light in a specified area within range. Creatures entering this area for the first time on a turn or starting their turn there must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or suffer 2d10 radiant damage, taking half damage on a successful save. Notably, shapechangers make this saving throw with disadvantage and revert to their original forms upon failure. The caster can use an action on subsequent turns to move the beam up to 60 feet in any direction.

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Strategic Applications

  • Area Denial: Position Moonbeam to control enemy movement, forcing adversaries to reconsider their approach or suffer radiant damage.
  • Revealing Shapechangers: Utilize Moonbeam to expose and neutralize shapechangers, such as lycanthropes or doppelgangers, compelling them to revert to their true forms.
  • Concentration Considerations: Maintain concentration to keep Moonbeam active, but be mindful of potential disruptions from taking damage or casting other concentration spells.

Enhancing Moonbeam’s Effectiveness

  • Higher-Level Casting: Casting Moonbeam with a spell slot of 3rd level or higher increases its damage by 1d10 for each slot level above 2nd, enhancing its potency.
  • Synergy with Battlefield Control: Combine Moonbeam with spells like Entangle or abilities that restrain enemies, ensuring they remain within the beam’s area and incur damage.
  • Tactical Movement: Strategically reposition the beam each turn to target multiple foes or adapt to shifting combat scenarios.


  • Concentration Requirement: As a concentration spell, sustaining Moonbeam necessitates focus, limiting the caster’s ability to maintain other concentration spells simultaneously.
  • Small Area of Effect: With a 5-foot radius, Moonbeam affects a limited area, making precise placement crucial for maximizing its impact.


Moonbeam is a versatile spell that combines damage output with utility, particularly effective against shapechangers and for controlling the battlefield. When employed strategically, it can significantly influence the outcome of encounters in D&D 5e campaigns. Its long-lasting nature and adaptability make it a valuable choice for many spellcasters looking to control the battlefield and protect allies from incoming threats.


  1. Can Moonbeam be cast indoors or underground?
    • Yes, Moonbeam can be cast in any environment, including indoors or underground, as long as the caster has a clear line of sight to the target area.
  2. Does Moonbeam deal damage immediately upon casting?
    • No, creatures take damage when they enter the beam’s area for the first time on a turn or start their turn there, not immediately upon the spell’s casting.
  3. Can Moonbeam affect invisible creatures?
    • Yes, invisible creatures within Moonbeam’s area are subject to its effects, as the spell does not require sight to affect targets.
  4. Is Moonbeam effective against creatures with resistance to radiant damage?
    • While such creatures would take reduced damage, Moonbeam’s ability to force shapechangers to revert forms and its area denial capabilities remain valuable.
  5. Can Moonbeam be used to trigger multiple damage instances in a single round?
    • A creature can only be affected by Moonbeam once per turn; however, if it moves out and re-enters the beam on a different turn, it can be subjected to its effects again.

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